Monday, June 16, 2008

Writer's Block

Haven't written anything for days. Is it a writer's block that I have stumbled upon or is it just unwillingness to let my thoughts out?
Somedays seem to pass in a haze and somedays the mind is so sharp that I don't feel like a retard!! Today is one of those days where I feel that this is not my life. Whose life am I living? It wasn't ment to be this way. Am I loosing my mind or have I resigned myself to "go with the flow". I read somewhere that only dead fish move with the water downstream. I certainly don't like labelling myself as a fish :-)), but then I don't feel so alive either.
I miss the drive to do multiple things at the same time. I miss the adrenaline rush of living.
The need for approval is so great that i seem to have forgotten that the approval comes when one shows that passion for something. The convoluted thought is why bother when no one will appreciate it. I hate the way I am today, but I am revelling in wallowing in self-pity. Pathetic!
And, tomorrow is another day. Maybe tomorrow I shall swing to the other side of the spectrum. Aah, the hope in the self-pity. Bipolar disorder??....... or just another ordinary life.

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